Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Fire Next Door

Four fire engines and lots of fire fighters, medic van, fire chief command vehicle, police, incident support trucks and the power company truck - ALL IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE THIS MORNING! Nobody was hurt - the four teenagers in the house were asleep and made it out in just their underwear- they all got new t-shirts and sweaters from Old Navy! We knew dad got those for a reason! (the rabbit and the hampster didn't make it:( .

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas was great this year. (not to mention WHITE) Even with the snow we got to be with family - Austin and Spencer and Diana made it down. Nate was here. Cyd & Max came later in the afternoon. Mom, Kris, Tim & I.

Saturday, February 9, 2008